Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I Teach Children

I teach children.

I do not teach curriculum or subject areas. Now, before you start thinking that this blog post is taking a strange turn...hear me out. 

My passion for teaching lies within the children to whom I teach. I love to think of ways to reach them and I am continually looking for new and innovative ways to foster life-long learning. I differentiate instruction daily, even though it's easier to teach to the whole group. I spend many evenings and weekends looking for web resources that support the learning that goes on in my classroom. I create and recreate lessons regularly. I self reflect daily. I make changes all the time. I understand that my goal every day is that my kids learn--that they learn the daily objectives, how to have good character, and that to accomplish their goals, they must be the best they can be...all the time.

Wow, that's a huge responsibility. Every single child must learn every single day.

So, I teach children. I teach them first and the curriculum second. And do you know what? I think they learn the curriculum much better this way.

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