Sunday, February 21, 2010

Creativity in Non-Fiction

What I like most about teaching third grade is that the kids go from reading for fluency to reading for understanding. The second/third trimester of third grade focuses largely on understanding non-fiction text and gathering and processing research. Right now, my kids are doing a hero project. I am truly impressed with how well they are able to collect research! They are using Kidspiration to take notes on their hero. (From books and pre-determined search engines) With just a little bit of scaffolding, my students really are rising to the challenge.

In keeping with the non-fiction theme, I came across ABCya Word Clouds and thought that this would be an innovative and creative way for my students to express their understanding on their hero, or another non-fiction topic. It's visually appealing and forces them to think about adjectives, verbs, and nouns that describe their subject (person, animal, place...)

Here are my kids' work on a bulletin board!


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